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Black & Maroon

Note: Tuesdays and Thursdays I generally share shorter posts, just a few outfit photos, or a simple image to inspire (all in an effort to maintain balance between work, family, blogging, and life in general).

Remix Options: This forgiving blouse has treated me well not only in one my most favorite outfits including it but also in a fun Remix It Up series post I shared a while back.

Speaking of remixing, have you shared your One Piece Many Ways post yet? If not, hop on over and link it up! The more the merrier. 

Blazer - Express; Blouse - LOFT; Skirt - Target; Shoes - Tahari (via DSW)

Linked Up Here

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$160 Spa Giveaway Test

'Twas mid-November, a chill in the air. 
The first real snow fell and we began to prepare. 
For the ensuing winter whose birth we could feel. 
As we dreaded the cold and dug in our heels.

Blustery and cold the weather did turn 
Just as expected, we'd come to learn. 
But no matter our struggle, how hard we would fight. 
Old Man Winter would win with little plight. 

But with it the winter brings holiday cheer. 
Or maybe it's stress and family time fear. 
We've all got a crazy uncle, it's known. 
Yet it's fun to unite and see how we've grown. 

We prep and we cook, we wrap and we dress. 
All with the hope that we really impress. 
The holiday lights on the house shine and dazzle. 
While inside our minds feel crazy and frazzled. 

Day turned to dusk, and dusk into night. 
I put on pajamas and turned off the light. 
Smart phone in hand, I lay in my bed. 
Through blog feeds I scrolled and sleepily read. 

With lots on my mind, exhausted and beat. 
My eyes nearly closed for a brief night's sleep. 
But one post did catch my groggy old eyes. 
A gift for a trip to the spa could be mine. 

My heart did some racing, my mind lots of chatter. 
Some "me time" was really a much-needed matter. 
After cooking, baking and cleaning to boot, 
This gift of relaxing was serious loot. 

To help me stay calm amid holiday craze,
they offered this gift as their thanks and praise. 

"As I'm writing and posting and forever learning. 
I thank you dearly for joining my journey. 
It means much to me" this blogger did say, 
"so please accept my gift of a little spa day" 

The time came to enter for my chance to win. 
I entered like crazy with an ear to ear grin. 

First Jennie, Whitney, Sd and Erin, 
Then Sarah and Ashley, Chioma and Jalynn. 
Add Valerie and Alexandra too.
Finally Jen, the host of the crew.

I passed this along to more friends of mine. 
Who also would love to relax and unwind. 
It's the right thing to do, I just had to share. 
My friends would agree, it's only fair. 

Alas it was time for my mind to find sleep, 
My heart to be calm and my rest to be deep. 
I set down my phone, rolled onto my side, 
Pulled up the covers and closed my eyes.

As the holidays approach, life always seems to get a little crazy. And many of us forget to take a moment or two for ourselves. So not only as a thank you from me to you as a token of appreciation for your readership, but also as encouragement for you to give yourself a little TLC this holiday season, I've collaborated with several other bloggers to bring you a great giveaway for a $160 gift card to Spafinder

Among many other wellness initiatives, Spafinder offers gift cards that can be used at a network of over 70,000 spas and wellness retailers around the world. If you're interested in taking a few moments of time for yourself, check out their network and enter the giveaway below for your chance to win the gift card! To enter, use the Rafflecopter below and don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks so much for stopping by! I truly appreciate your energy and engagement in sharing this space with me. Now go enter the giveaway!!

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